import { Heading, Text } from '@elementor/app-ui'; import ConditionsProvider from '../../context/conditions'; import { Context as TemplatesContext } from '../../context/templates'; import ConditionsRows from './conditions-rows'; import './conditions.scss'; import BackButton from '../../molecules/back-button'; export default function Conditions( props ) { const { findTemplateItemInState, updateTemplateItemState } = React.useContext( TemplatesContext ), template = findTemplateItemInState( parseInt( ) ); if ( ! template ) { return
{ __( 'Not Found', 'elementor-pro' ) }
; } return (
{ { __( 'Where Do You Want to Display Your Template?', 'elementor-pro' ) } { __( 'Set the conditions that determine where your template is used throughout your site.', 'elementor-pro' ) }
{ __( 'For example, choose \'Entire Site\' to display the template across your site.', 'elementor-pro' ) }
history.back() } />
); } Conditions.propTypes = { id: PropTypes.string, }; seo jobs - Stories


5 skills that you must need before landing a Digital Marketing Job

Digital marketing will now seem like a ‘cherry on top’ which will make your resume a unique dish among tons of dishes. Cconsider it as an opportunity to showcase your professional experience, qualifications, and the menu of your capabilities. Yes, your education and experience matter, but what will be that element that will make this one … Read more